How do Europeans support Israel?
- Holding Silence to Israel’s slaughtering of innocent defenseless children, women and elders
- Supporting Israel through the media blackout of the massacres and atrocities in Gaza done by Zionists.
- Supporting Israel by not-denouncing what this inhumane regime is doing and rejecting all international calls for condemning the Israeli crimes.
Contradictory Ideals of Europeans
when one Israeli is killed, all European countries and the United States of America invoke, issue resolutions and call for punishment of the so-called Palestinian “terrorists”. At the same time, under the guise of fighting terrorism, Israel kills Palestinians every day, but the Europeans do not bother and do not issue any statement or resolution to denounce Israel.
Today is the twenty first day of the war against Gaza. Israel has killed more than 1100 and wounded more than 5000 Palestinians, more than half of them are children, women and the elderly.
But what did the Europeans and the “civilized world” do to stop the atrociousIsraeli crimes?
Imagine … If some one kills 1000 cats in the streets of Europe, how will the Europeans react?
Then what is this silence to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians?
What they did:
- Support of Israel through the media blackout on the Israeli crimes in Gaza.
- No condemnation of what Israel does to the people of Gaza. On the contrary, they recognized Hamas as the responsible for the slaughter of innocent people in Gaza, while it is Israeli missiles that kill these defenseless people.
- Deceiving the European public opinion through conducting of the Israeli allegations (mainly led by French media)
- Rejection of any decision made by the Security Council to denounce the Israeli crimes.
European peoples should
- Demand the European governments to break the blackout of the media about what is happening in Gaza in order to reveal the truth.
- Try to look for the media which reflect the truth about what is really happening in Gaza, and in this case one can mention the Al-Jazeera English, to see with their own eyes what crimes Israel is committing against innocent Palestinian Arabs.
- Support raising real awareness about the Palestinian issue in order to resist the European permanent bias to Israel.
- Participate in demonstrations condemning the Israeli crimes against innocent Palestinians.
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سپاس بیکران از ابراز لطف و توجه سرکار محترم. انشالله که به مساعت شیرزنانی همچون شما جامعه ای آباد برای خود بنا کنیم. به امید آن روز
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